Thursday, 1 May 2008


May is, and always has been, my favourite month of the year. Not JUST because my birthday is smack dab in the middle of the month, but also because it's one of the nicest months of the year. Weatherwise it comes after the usually dreary and wet April and before the sometimes hot and prematurely humid June. (Note: This is based on Toronto weather.)

May is also the first month of green grass, blossoms on the trees and almost gauranteed to have no snow. (I better watch what I say, or we might end up with some of the white stuff - cheers, Global Warming, for the messed up weather.)

So HAPPY MAY to all of you. I hope that the start of this month puts a smile on all of your faces as big and bright as the one that's plastered across mine. I have a good feeling about my favourite month... and I'll keep y'all posted on how that feeling pans out.

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