Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Another thing happened on the way to the movies...

On Friday, in addition to my Sex and the City adventures with Rob, I was offered a job. That's right, a real paying full-time job! It's doing some coordinator work in tourism, and I must say I am quite pleased with myself. I will be making money again (and more than I was hoping for - yippee!) and will not have to/be able to spend all of my time online. Sadly, this means that my friends across the Atlantic won't have me to chat with during their early evenings, nor will my facebook friends be invited to place numerous games of Scrabulous in one day.

Fantastically, this means I can move to England at the end of September (did I mention the job is only a summer contract - super, fabulous!) and I will have enough cash to feel comfortable and confident about the big move.
So ladies and gentlemen, join me if you will in doing a little happy dance and by all means start your countdowns: less than 120* days left in Toronto.
(*Exact figure to be confirmed upon successfully obtaining a visa and plane ticket.)

And in other, also exciting, news: I leave for NYC on Friday! Very, very good. Lots of plans with dear friends this week and then packing followed by 9+ hours in the car... and then I get to play tourist again.


Nicole said...

I'm so excited for you, Renee!!!! Woo hoo!! I'm doing a happy dance for you! xo

tall penguin said...

Congrats Renee! I'm so happy for you. Let's toast each other's coolness at my birthday next Friday. You comin' by?