Saturday, 29 March 2008

An Interlude...

For a moment, I'd like to move away from my tribute to the wonderful people in my life, but just for a moment as I still want to share these wonderful people with all of you out there, and still have the sincerest of intentions to post a piece on each of them. However, it should be noted that my laziness in keeping up with my blogging is not to be taken as a lack of things to say about them... despite any obligations at the moment, I really am just that lazy.


I quit my job at the bookstore. I am currently looking for work in London and in Toronto (though hoping the former comes through). I am planning to move to England as soon as I have the funds. I am still living at home.

Wow, I just wrote a whole lot of stuff on here and was about to post it and realised it was all so negative. I'm in a really good place right now, mentally, but I still managed to write a whole lot of negative thoughts down here. DELETE. Oh, how wonderful it would be if we could DELETE the negative thoughts from our minds as easily as we can from a blog posting. Guess what? You can. All you need to do is think about the good stuff. DUH, obvious enough?

For example. I have an amazing friend who lives in England. He is wonderful, he is intelligent, he is funny - I won't go on because I will eventually devote an entire entry to him - What I'm trying to say is that he is the greatest person in my life right now... and he doesn't even know it. ANYWAY, I came home from England in September and spent four months moaning about how much I missed him and how miserable I was living so far away from him and so many other friends. I went back to England in January and spent quite a bit of time with him and was reminded just how special he is to me. I came home this time and now a month later I still think about him everyday, but I'm not sitting in a corner crying about how much I miss him and how far away he is. Instead I'm thinking about how great he is and how lucky I am to have someone like him in my life, AND about how much I am looking forward to moving back to England within the next six months. Yes, that's right, I'm stamping it right now - within six months I will be back there (unless I have managed to remain jobless longer than I am anticipating at the moment, in which case I won't have the funds to move... but it's all about thinking positive, right?)

Think about the good's that easy, I promise. Try it. You'll like it.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Cheers for the reminder to think positively. I'm having a hard time with that right now. It's nice to have encouragement from thousands of miles away. Love - N xo