Friday, 4 April 2008

A few reasons to stick around...

Unless an international (aka England) job offer comes through between now and then, my departure date for London is tentatively set for mid-September. Now there are a lot of factors that will determine the exact date I leave Toronto (my employment status here, my bank account, potential visits from English friends in early September, etc.) but I think having a date penciled in is a good idea.

In the meantime, I have a lot to look forward to on this side of the Atlantic (not to mention quality summer time with my friends and family), and will share these with you in a list that I like to call:

"A few reasons to stick around"

  • 9 June - Yankees vs. Royals at YANKEE STADIUM, Bronx NY
  • 6 September - Virgin Music Festival, FOO FIGHTERS, Toronto ON
  • 7 September - Virgin Music Festival, OASIS, Toronto ON

    Hopefully that list will grow over the next few days, weeks and months. I am really hopeful that it will include at least two visits from overseas, but only time will tell.

    (NOTE: The 'ode to my friends' is not over, I'm just taking a short break in an effort to share my current excitement - and, let's be honest, to avoid boring you.)

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