A much newer friend than most of the others, yet he is closer to me than some of the friends I've known for years and years. It only took knowing him for three months to know that he was someone worth keeping around. And now, a year and a half later, I can say that there is no one in my life who could ever fill his shoes.
He's incredibly intelligent AND incredibly book smart (surprisingly, a rather rare combination), and has a wonderful sense of humour. He is somewhat of a cultural guru for me and knows a thing or two about seemingly anything worth knowing about. He infuriates me in a way that no one else can, but in doing so inspires and influences me in a way that I can't explain... I think it has something to do with the fact that he takes the piss out of me every chance he gets, and yet manages to crack a smile whenever I step up and give him some of his own medicine.
He is one of the most important people in my life and I cannot see my future without him in it. He is a wonderful, wonderful friend who has (probably unknowingly) helped me to realise a lot of my goals and I hope that he will be around to see me reach them (and to help me reach some of the harder ones).
**I know what some of you are probably thinking: the first boy in my friends' tribute comes in at number five? Well, as I am pretty sure I mentioned when I started all of this, there is no significance to the order in which I give these friends their kudos. BUT, if there was, and if number one actually reflected my "best" friend, I promise you this guy would be a lot higher up than number five.**
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