1) My very favourite drink in the whole wide world is apple juice. Though I don't drink it very often, it always (and I mean ALWAYS) makes me happy when I do drink it.
2) I have travelled to thirteen countries yet I have never visited Canada's West Coast.
3) I cry when I am angry.
4) I have an irrational fear of bees and wasps.
5) I rarely drink tea or coffee, but have an on-again-off-again love affair with Diet Pepsi.
6) When I was seven years old I wanted to be a rock star. When I was eight years old I wanted to be a third grade teacher. At 26, I don't know what I want to be.
7) I love listening to the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy soundtrack.
8) Although I have only been 'in love' once, I have truly loved four different men in my life without letting all of them know it.
9) My favourite nut is the pistachio. My least favourite nut is the brazil nut.
10) I strongly dislike steamed carrots and dried bananas.
11) I really want to travel to Russia some day.
12) I want to get married when I still have single friends to toss my bouquet to.
13) I have a fantastic memory which is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I will always remember the details of my very first kiss. A curse because I will always remember every single detail of the very first time my heart broke, and every time after that.
14) I appreciate constructive criticism, but loathe people who refuse to combine it with positive reinforcement.
15) I prefer Major League Baseball to Ice Hockey.
16) My three favourite foods are: rice, cheese and tomatoes.
17) Barack Obama makes me very happy. As silly as this might sound, every time I see him or read about him I am filled with so much hope.

18) I have two tattoos.
19) I love getting my hair cut.
20) I want to lose about 30 pounds, but cannot seem to find the motivation to do so.
21) I would very much like to retire by the sea.
22) I have a lot of trouble falling to sleep, but can fall asleep quite easily to the sound of a particular friend snoring or to re-runs of Friends/Seinfeld.
23) One of the most attractive boys I have ever kissed was a fella named Ryan that I met at Crocodile Rock in 2004. These days I refer to him as 'Judestin Timberlaw' due to a resemblance I thought he had to Justin Timberlake while Emily thought he looked more like Jude Law... either way, not too shabby.

24) I have been called each of the following names at some point in my life: Renee, Ree-nee, Ren, Ray Ray, Rennie, Renoir, Flaneil, Janeil Harshenee, Renedelman.
25) I am generally quite blunt and do not embarrass easily.
26) I love tourists.
28) I could never be a vegetarian, but I tend to avoid veal and lamb.
29) If I could have any musician compose and record a song with me, it would be a lovely duet between me and Mr. Noel Gallagher.
30) My ring size is 8 and 1/4.
31) I have been writing a screenplay in my head for the last ten years and hope to finally get it, or some version of it, on paper sometime soon.
32) I don't have a favourite movie star these days, but something about Matt Damon really makes me... smile.

Just this morning, I got to work feeling really stressed and a bit upset and someone had put a travel magazine on my desk for me to look through. Normally this would not lift me out of my funk, but my boyfriend Matt Damon was on the cover looking very handsome and I felt a sudden smile curl it's way onto my face.
33) I am a very open and honest person, though I sometimes think I am a bit too revealing and worry that I might get myself hurt.
34) I love to drive.
35) I, rather foolishly, believe that someone in my family will win the lottery one day.
36) I am a fairly clean and tidy person, but when I am unhappy my room tends to become a heaping mess of clothes, books, shoes, etc. scattered everywhere.
37) I have a Master's Degree in Contemporary History from the University of Sussex, and would go back to do a PhD in a heartbeat if I could come up with a solid research proposal.
38) I prefer salty foods over sweets.
39) I am currently in the process of making arrangements to move back to England... for an indefinite period of time.
40) I enjoy watching re-runs of 1990s sitcoms but do not watch very many current television shows (other than Jeopardy, The Office and Heroes).
41) I am very close to both of my parents and to my brother... and I am so thankful for that.
42) I am looking forward to the day when I have children of my own.
43) I would like to write a book and though I may not get it published, I promise I will complete at least one book in my lifetime.
44) Although I vote, I do not follow politics very closely at all.
45) I have never seen, nor do I intend to see any of the following films: Kill Bill or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
46) I am always willing to watch the following films: Back to the Future, Fever Pitch, or The Bourne Identity.
47) I would rather be too cold than too hot.
48) Just over one year ago I was the happiest I have ever been. Just over a month ago I was the saddest I have been in a long time. Just over a week from now my life will likely change in a major way.
49) I like to make promises, because I keep them. I don't like when things are promised to me because I have too often been let down.
50) I still secretly want to be a rock star but my education tells me I should pursue something more attainable.
51) I have very vivid, realistic dreams. They are often about people I haven't seen in ages and sometimes I wake up and have an email or get a phone call from that person... sometimes I'm the one who has to send the email or make the phone call.
52) My favourite fast food restaurant in the entire world is El Taco in Brighton. I could eat burritos from El Taco every day and never grow tired of them.
53) When I was ten I thought that Elijah Wood and I looked alike and thought we ought to be in a movie together playing twins. I also secretly wished that while working together on that film we would fall in love and eventually get married and have babies with gigantic blue eyes.

54) When living on my own I don't tend to buy junk food. Instead my fridge is usually stocked with tomatoes, my cupboard with rice and canned chick peas, and somewhere some frozen chicken breasts. If I crave junk food I force myself to walk a long distance to buy myself a treat. When living with my parents I eat way too much, way too often.
55) I am still not sure that I believe in God, but I have found myself praying to God at various times in my life so I must believe in something.
56) I am more bothered by the thought of ants in my house than the thought of mice in my house.
57) I would love to live in Paris but my French language skills are not what they used to be and I fear it would take me at least two years to build up the necessary fluency for a decent job. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to give it a go.
58) If given enough holiday time from my future job, and if I have the funds to do so, I would like to travel to India sometime within the next 18 months.
59) I have been to two weddings of friends and though they were both couples who had been dating and engaged for some time, it's still strange to think that my friends are married!
60) I recently made the decision to stop spending my time and energy on people who continually let me down - and I feel much better for it.
61) Mt favourite musical is Les Miserables. My least favourite musical is FAME.
62) I have only recently started to enjoy reading for pleasure.
63) I checked my email at least twenty times today.
64) My bedroom closet is full of clothes I haven't worn in ten years and photos albums I haven't looked at in at least that long... something needs to change.
65) When I have the time (approximately three days and nights in a row) I really enjoy cleaning my room - the whole nine yards: gutting the closet, reorganizing the bookshelf, tossing out clothes, etc. It's so satisfying.
66) When I worked in the bookstore my favourite thing to do was re-shelve the travel section to put everything back in its rightful place (i.e. to take New Mexico out of the Mexico section and return it promptly to the USA section).
67) I have often thought of the names Kevin and Jack for potential sons of mine, but now that I have two very close friends bearing those names, I will search out other options when that time comes.
68) My favourite bands are Oasis and Foo Fighters.
69) My closest girl friends are in long term relationships and I haven't had a proper boyfriend in over four years. As much as I'm okay on my own, sometimes it sucks.
70) My favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. My favourite gelato flavour is pear.
71) If I came into a large sum of money tomorrow I would pay off my brother's student loans immediately.
72) I have been told at various points in my life that I both look like and at times act like Drew Barrymore - as flattered as I was to hear it recently, I disagree.
73) I would rather have a cat than a dog.
74) I am slightly mesmerized by skyscrapers.
75) I have spent most of my 26 years in Toronto and have never been to the revolving restaurant in the CN Tower.
76) I collect postcards.
77) My shoe size varies between 8, 8.5 and 9.
78) I am really looking forward to the next Harry Potter film.
79) I am currently reading How to be Good by Nick Hornby and while I am enjoying it, I am looking forward to finishing it. Next on my list is either: The Frozen Thames, Angels and Demons, or Shantaram.
80) My middle name is Phyllis.
81) I have a bad habit of biting my fingernails, but if I put nail polish on I am not even tempted to bite them.
82) I bruise easily.
83) I am a fairly creative person but have never been very good at drawing.
84) I would rather spend the rest of my life married to one best friend than marry and divorce multiple lovers.
85) I have never been fond of cooked squash and in fact used to pretend to be allergic to it just so I wouldn't have to eat it.
86) I want to learn to run - meaning, I want to build up the endurance to be able to run for more than ten seconds.
87) I could eat pizza anytime of day or night.
88) In all of my 26 years I have never had a cavity.
89) I am currently unemployed, again.
90) This summer I learned to drive a GMC hybrid pickup truck with a 4000lbs trailer attached.
91) I enjoy working in retail but have never enjoyed the low wages that come with it.
92) I preferred Mamma Mia the stage production to Mamma Mia the movie.
93) Once I get back to England I plan to see more of the country, starting with Liverpool, Manchester and possibly Blackpool.
94) Although I am planning to move to London, if I could get a job in or around Brighton I would move there in a heartbeat - I really miss my room on the seafront.
95) I am a very stubborn person when it comes to personal goals. I rarely accept help or advice because I like to know that I achieved things on my own.
96) I love the wind.
97) I hold dual citizenship with Canada and the United States and do not intend to ever let either of them go.
98) I love helping tourists find their way around a new city. Whether it's my city or one I just happen to know well, I love helping people get better acquainted with their surroundings.
99) Once I publish this post I will finally make an effort to eat more healthily and to be more active. I need to make those changes.
100) I am always a little bit happier when I smile. Even if I've forced a smile onto my face, seeing myself smiling helps... try it.
i like that i know most of those things about you. means we is real freindz. nice to read about though.
I love, love, love that you did this! It's always so cool learning new things about you, Renee. xox
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