Thursday, 23 October 2008


I generally like dressing up in a costume, pretending to be someone else for a night, yet, this year I am not sure if I will partake in the festivities. I think it's because I'm lacking a good costume idea. ANY IDEAS????

As some of you may remember, last year I dressed up as Amy Winehouse and had a great time and much applause from my friends and strangers for my costume. It was fun dressing up as a real person, but this year I just can't think of anything other than the old standards (Witch, Cowgirl, Cat, etc.) I have toyed with the idea of going as a flapper now that I have a nice bob to show off (albeit a slanted bob), but I'm not too keen on the idea of spending oodles of money on a costume.

I've been invited to two separate parties which will both be followed by nights on the town, but I may opt to dress up at home and hand out candy to the kiddies while watching scary movies under a blanket. With caramel corn.....



Nicole said...

You could totally go as a mod girl. I think you could totally pull it off! And thank you for the lovely comment on my blog!! xox

Karen is cold... said...

You could go as a child from Qikiqtarjuaq. Fill your cheeks with candy and get a stick and an empty gas can (bang it occasionally and with forcefulness)