Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Christmas Wishes

Christmas Eve is my very favourite day of the year and as the sun goes down on yet another relaxing December 24th I watch the holiday lights come on around my neighbourhood, and finally sit here with my laptop to share with you my Christmas wishes for this year...

First and foremost, I wish for good health. Not just for myself but for my family and all of my loved ones. Most importantly for my uncle who is still not well. He will have another operation in the new year and hopefully that will take care of everything and 2009 will be his healthiest year yet. I wish good health on all of you and your loved ones as well.

My second wish, a little bit more selfish, is to find a job that I enjoy in London. I am taking a very big step out of the comfort zone I've been living in for the past 18 months to start something new and exciting. I hope beyond hope that I can make a strong start for myself without too much waiting for things to begin.

Thirdly, I wish that the changes that are going on all over the world will lead to brighter, happier, more stable times ahead. I am an eternal optimist and I refuse to believe that the state of the world will continue to decline. I have high hopes for a positive future and look forward to being a part of those things that get us there, together.

My fourth and fifth wishes are materialistic and fantastic, but come on now it's Christmas! I wish for the Foo Fighters Live at Wembley DVD and I wish for it to be hand delivered to me my Dave Grohl and Barack Obama.

Happy Christmas, everyone!

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