Sunday, 17 May 2009

J'ai 27 ans

Having recently celebrated my 27th birthday, I thought I would take a moment to share with you 27 things that have made me smile in the five months since I left Toronto. (I know it's been ages since I've posted regular updates on here, but I like my lists, so bear with me for a little while longer while I update you on my new life in the UK thus far with points of interest.)

1. Watching an entire country come to a standstill over 2 inches of snow.
2. Listening to Oasis over dinner at a restaurant in Manchester.
3. Having a friend's cat watch my every move whilst getting ready to leave their flat around midday. Poor Finn wasn't used to having so much company in the day, what with Jen and Jack at work from the early morning to the early evening, so she was very interested to see what I was up to in her home.
4. Watching Lee Evans on TV with Mark, and laughing so much it hurt.
5. Fighting against the wind on Brighton's seafront... nothing makes me smile quite as much as the many happy memories that the wind in Brighton brings me.
6. Going to dinner with Sarah - no matter where we end up we are always seated next to individuals who combined would easily make up the world's strangest people.
7. Walking to work on my birthday while the sun slowly emerged from behind a very scary looking cloud.
8. Going to the cinema at Leicester Square by myself on a Saturday night. I really am a fantastic date.
9. Being told by some of my lovely male friends that I looked gorgeous on my birthday.
10. Watching my colleague Joel gawk at attractive women as they pass us by outside of Parliament.
11. Going swimming.
12. Each and every time I get a piece of mail I smile.
13. Laying in bed listening to the latest Kings of Leon CD on my iPod for the first time in absolute darkness.
14. Being called "love" and "my dear" on a regular basis by friends and shopkeepers.
15. Walking past Buckingham Palace on the way to work.
16. Listening to the rain fall on skylight windows while cuddled up under a warm duvet.
17. Playing Deal or No Deal with Ru on the night before his birthday.
18. Receiving a phone call from Kevin nearly once a week.
19. Knowing that I am going home to Toronto for a visit very soon.
20. Climbing into my bed at night to feel the cool, smooth fitted sheet I bought from IKEA
21. Having Allison nearby, especially on the days when we both really need a good friend.
22. RIO - the carbonated beverage that I often associate with a very memorable weekend in Brighton and the very good friend who introduced me to it.
23. Riding on a nearly empty double decker bus, in the front seat upstairs.
24. Treating myself to expensive luxuries from time to time - for example the hand cream I bought myself at Rituals over a month ago... still makes me smile each time I use it.
25. Being asked directions and knowing the answer.
26. Walking aimlessly around The City on a weekend when it is nearly deserted of all cars and pedestrians.
27. Finding a good deal on a coach or train ticket to a new part of the country.

1 comment:

Ganga Fondan said...

Heyyyyyy, sorry i haven't been blogging for a while. Great to see your blog and thanks for commenting on mine. I love your beautiful list especially the Oasis music experience and of course #9. Be well and happy and I'll keep tabs on your blog. (Smiles across the miles)
