Saturday, 18 July 2009

ten days later

Not too bad at making good on my promise that I am back to blogging. Ten days isn't too long, right? I was reading over my last post and realise I should've said "I'm not unhappy" where I said "I am happy", because there isn't anything to really prove that I am happy these days... but like I said, I'm not unhappy either. I'm just feeling a bit blah.

We all get that though, don't we? The blahs. They hit us when we least expect it and if others are like me we pretend that nothing is wrong until one teeny tiny little thing hits us at the exact wrong moment and our world comes crashing down and we are forced to admit that maybe the toilet overflowing onto our bare feet isn't what is really upsetting us.

I am, in truth, feeling letdown by my job and feel that the expectations I had when I started are not being met. Not even close. So on Monday my good friend Andy and I are going to see what we can do to make the best of the worst job either of us has had in a long time. Okay, okay, I'm being a BIT over the top. It's not THAT terrible, but we've just been hit with one disappointment after another since we started, so while the job itself isn't so bad, the letdowns and illusions of grandeur never to be seen are upsetting.

I am going to spend tomorrow afternoon with my lovely friend Sarah having lunch and taking a peak around the shops up in her neck of the woods. I'm really, really looking forward to tomorrow. A lot!

Next weekend I'm flying to Dublin for a U2 concert with my friend Evan - who is flying from New York state for three concerts... a true fan if I ever met one. I will report back about that now that I'm back to reporting back about things.

In other news, a girl that I went to junior high and high school with has recently had her first book published. Lauren Kirshner is the talented and witty author behind "Where We Have To Go" and I highly recommend it. Especially if you live in Toronto, especially if you grew up there, and especially if you are a woman who enjoyed the start of your adolescence around 1993. My heartfelt congratulations to Lauren for this first success - I have a feeling it's only going to get better from here!


Ganga Fondan said...

Hey Beautiful Renee,
I just got this lovely tip off of another blog last week that had a creative approach to problem solving. (Wish I could remember the name of the site). If your job was a man that you were dating for as long as you've been working there, what would he be like? Would you continue to see him? Or you could say...if my job was a meal, what kind of food would it be and how long do I plan to continue to eat this way. It's just an idea. heyyyy enjoy the U2 concert. WICKED!!! Thinking of you,
Ganga :)

Lesley Miller said...

Hey Renee -- Sorry to hear that your job isn't what you expected! I know how frustrating that can be, but I trust you will find a solution - either within your current position, or through finding another one. I'm jealous that you get to see U2 in concert - that will be a memorable show, I'm sure!