I still hate the gym, but I am going to see if I can enjoy group exercise classes - I might even try a spin class (though I am still a bit hesitant to jump into 55 mins of it after only having done 30 mins at the beginner level in the past). Kate has joined my gym so we can do a class together and I'll see if I can't get myself down to Aquafit at the gym downtown at least once this week.
I was also talking to Kathryn about wanting to build up endurance and such for running. She expressed a similar interest and while we both know it's going to take a long time before either of us are proper runners, we'd like to make the effort to give it a go.
Tomorrow is DAY 1 (or day 1000 for those of you who may have started counting with me 3 years ago when I vowed I would get back in shape after four years of undergraduate studies and booze...), and while I know there are some changes that will take time before becoming part of my lifestyle, I'm excited to make this start. I'm not setting a bunch of rules for myself because I know those will only last so long before I go back to old habits. Little by little I'm going to make these changes towards a better me.
Yes, I agree, that all sounded very corny.
Step one: replace soda with water or milk.
As many of you know I am slightly obsessed with diet Pepsi and other fizzy drinks. It's good that they are not the high sugar drinks, but they are still TERRIBLE for me in other ways. I am going to make a dedicated effort to limit myself to one soda per week (if I really need it) and to try to control my cravings for fizzy drinks by drinking very cold water.
I will report back with progress and added 'steps'. It's funny, because I talk and talk about how I want to make changes in my life, I want to be healthier and feel better about myself, etc. but I always find a way to slack in these areas. Somehow being lazy, overweight, and somewhat miserable has started to suit me just fine - AND THAT IS WHY I'M CHANGING NOW! I am so sick of behaving this way. This is not who I am, it's just who I am pretending to be while I'm feeling lazy.
And I am incredibly stubborn and need to make these changes on my own. I don't like my family telling me they will help me exercise or eat better. I like to do things on my own and always have. BUT, but posting my progress on my blog, I feel as though I have someone to answer to... for lack of better phrasing. Those of you who take the time to read my blog, those of you who actually care about what's going on in this head of mine, you are the ones that I will have to be accountable to. Now, I know there is very little way for you to enforce any of these things I am saying/planning out, but knowing that someone is reading (thank you, Nicole) and knowing that someone is supporting me in this, and knowing that someone will be proud of me when I accomplish this, helps.
It's silly,yes, but it's how I need to do things. On my own, but with someone to report back to so that I keep at it.
Tomorrow I will post a photo of me on DAY 1 and though I'm not ready to post my current weight on here (though I think the embarassment of posting it for all to see would kickstart my goals in a way that few other things would) I will keep track of that on my own... and will update on any pounds or inches lost as a result of my changes. It should be said that if I stick to this, this blog is about to take a slightly dull turn towards health diary town. Be warned.
For now, here is an old photo of the healthier, fitter me. Circa 2001 - before the drinking and bad eating habits became a part of my life - taken during frosh week at university.
1 comment:
I'm very proud of you for taking the first step. And I'm very proud that you are taking a difficult situation and doing something positive to counter. It is tough, but the way you will feel becomes a great motivator. Best of luck. You know I'll be tuned in! Love - Nicole xox
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