Saturday, 6 December 2008

And it only took 128 posts to get me here

I am officially moving back to England on December 29 2008! My flight is booked and I've started mentally packing my bags (which of course, means simply that I have decided on one pair of shoes that is coming with me no matter what - see below). I even bought some of those vacuum seal bags that hold "10-12 sweaters" once all the air is sucked out - has anyone used them before?? I figure even if I can compress 3-4 sweaters or bulky items down to a smaller size I'm in good shape.

So that's the story, that's the news. I am officially on Christmas countdown and am trying to finish all of my shopping before the 20th. I think I will have no problem doing that - unless my brother and I don't end up giving my parents a joint gift, in which case I'll be shopping for my dad up to the eleventh hour. Any gift ideas for a dad who doesn't read books/has no hobbies? It's hard, isn't it!

We're going to cut down our Christmas tree next Sunday (weather permitting of course) and I will certainly post news of that adventure afterwards. I love December, I really, really do! Especially days like today - I'm still in my (new) pyjamas and am enjoying sitting inside where it's warm watching the snow fall silently outside. It's truly perfect and I'm happy to be getting my snow fix before moving to England - the land of (practically) no snow!



Nicole said...

This is fantastic news!! And I love the shoes.

Sam said...

Love love love the shoes!!! And wonderful news too :)