Friday 16 January 2009

another update...

Not much to report. I am still very glad to be back, still looking for jobs, and still staying with friends in Brighton. I spent yesterday in London and caught up with Jack and Arnie once they got off work for the evening. It's been really great seeing old friends and feeling just as at home with (most of) them as I did before.

Tomorrow I'm off to Portsmouth with Allison for some outlet shopping and on Sunday I'm heading back up to London to check out a potential house share with three girls in Hackney. Will report back as soon as I can.

(Sadly, there's not all THAT much that I feel desperate to write about so I don't get on here even with my random updates. I suspect once I get settled and have my own Internet connection I'll be better at this blogging stuff again).

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Glad to see any update! I really look forward to photos! Aw, I miss England, and I miss YOU! xo